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  • 1. According to ASF Act 1975, the head of the Airports Security Force (ASF) shall be appointed by the
  • (D) Federal Government
  • 2. According to ASF Act 1975, who is head of the Airports Security Force (ASF)?
  • (A) Force Commander
  • 3. The administration of the ASF shall vest in the
  • (A) Force Commander
  • 4. The Force Commander ASF shall perform his functions under the general supervision of the
  • (C) Director-General
  • 5. As per ASF Act 1975, Director-General means the Director-General of _____ or any person performing the duties of the Director-General.
  • (B) Civil Aviation
  • 6. Who is the current federal minister for aviation division?
  • (C) Ghulam Sarwar Khan
  • 7. Who is the current Director-General of Airports Security Force (ASF)?
  • (D) Major General Zafar ul Haq
  • 8. Airports Security Force (ASF) is under the ministry of
  • (A) Aviation Division
  • 9. According to ASF Act 1975, who has the power to make rules regarding ASF?
  • (C) Federal Government
  • 10. As per ASF Act 1975, who has the power to make regulations regarding ASF?
  • (B) Force Commander
  • 11. The headquarter of Airports Security Force (ASF) is in
  • (B) Karachi
  • 12. According to ASF Act, 1975, the Aviation Division is headed by the
  • (A) Aviation Secretary
  • 13. Who is the current Secretary Aviation Division?
  • (D) Hassan Nasir Jamy
  • 14. What is the term used in the ASF Act 1975 for an area of land and water used for the purpose of landing, departure, and movement of an aircraft?
  • (C) Aerodromes
  • 15. What is the term used in the ASF Act 1975 for the movement area of an aerodrome, adjacent terrain and buildings, access to which is controlled by the ASF?
  • (B) Air side
  • 16. Airports Security Force (ASF) is in-charge of the security of all
  • I. airports
  • II. aerodromes
  • III. civil aviation installations
  • against acts of unlawful interference or threats of such interference.
  • (D) I, II and III only
  • 17. An official of ASF can search and arrest a suspect attempting to endanger
  • (A) without warrant
  • 18. An official of ASF can search and arrest without warrant of any person
  • I. suspected of endangering
  • II. attempting to endanger
  • III. having endangered
  • (D) I, II and III only
  • 19. Who is indemnified from suit or any other legal proceeding in exercising power which are in good faith and in accordance to the ASF Act given under the ASF Act, 1975?
  • (B) All members of ASF
  • 20. What is meant by Federal Government in the constitution of Pakistan?
  • (C) Federal Cabinet

Latest Mcqs:
  •  1=FIA Established in? 1975
  • 2= Jihad kb farz hua? 2 hijri
  • 3= ASF kb bni? None
  • 4= first muslim shaheed? Sumayya
  • 5= Total Surah in Holy Quran? 114
  • 6= Zakat on gold? 7, 1/2 tola
  • 7= Chairman of NACTA Bog? PM
  • 8=NACTA clearly spelled out ? 2013
  • 9= Longest surah? Al baqarah
  • 10= Surah starts without Bismillah? Surah Toba
  • 11= Security council HQ? New York 
  • 12= Amnesty International based on ? London
  • 13= Oldest Human rights Organisation?  Anti Slavery International 
  • 14= Which Border called Durand line?  Pak-Afghan
  • 15= Pak-India border length in miles? None
  • 16= Biggest export market of Pakistan?  USA
  • 17= Airports Security force head shall be? None
  • 18= Secretary aviation?  Sarwar
  • 19= when PIA flight hijacked? 1981
  • 20= 2nd PM of pakistan? Nazmuddin
  • 21= Muhammad khan junejo govt dismissed in? 29 may 1988
  • 22= when Benazir bhutto s govt dismissed? 6 Aug 1990
  • 23= China joined WTO ? 2001
  • 24= Spirit of Islam book written by?  Syed Ameer Ali
  • 25= Ariana Airline of which country? Afghanistan 
  • 26= Xinhua news agency?  China 
  • 27= Yuan is currency of? China
  • 28= First Muslim Among Men? Abu bakar (RA)
  • 29= First muslim in Women? Hazrat Khadija (RA)
  • 30= Who compiled Quran ? Abu Bakar (RA)
  • 31= Ranjers provincial head quarters are in ? Lahore and Karachi
  • 32= Ranjers deployed on which border? Pak-India
  • 33= ASF secures how many Airports? 42

  • General. Knowledge. Mcqs.

  • 1) : Objective Resolution Was Passed By? (Liaqat Ali Khan On 12 March 1949)
  • 2) : Quran Pak Other Name? (Furqan)
  • 3) : Montegu Chelmsford Reform Date? (1919)
  • 4) : The Number Of Rivers In Balochistan? (7)
  • 5) : Surah Name On Ant Is? (Numl)
  • 6) : First Democractic Election In Pakistan? ( 7 Dec 1970)
  • 7) : Baltic Countries? (Latvia, Finland, Poland, Germany, Russia etc)
  • 8) : Pirpur Report Date? (1938)
  • 9) : Cabinut Mission? (1946)
  • 10) : Cube Root Of Unity? (1)
  • 11) : Khalid Bin Waleed Accepted Islam In? (6 Hijri)
  • 12) : Abu Sufyan Accepted Islam In? (8 Hijri)
  • 13) : Hazrat Muazz Was Governer Of? (Yemen)
  • 14) : The Inverse Of Scalar Matrix? (Scalar Matrix)
  • 15) : Sin180-x? (Sinx)
  • 16) : Pak Celebrate Defence Day From? (1966)
  • 17) : Old Name Of Attock? (Campbell Pur)
  • 18) : Pak Afghan Border Length? (2430 KM)
  • 19) : Geneva Pact? (1988)
  • 20) :Which Country Is Called Rising Sun? (Japan)
  • 21) : How Many Agencies Are In FATA? (7)
  • 22) : King Of Habsha’s Religion? {Armah (Najashi)}
  • 23) : Most Deveoped Continent? (Europe)
  • 24) : What Will Be Last Letter Of UTYEAB When You Arrange It?  (Y)
  • 25) : What Will Be Third Letter Alphabeticallu Arengement in “Management”? (G)
  • 26) : If Yesterday Was Friday Then After Tomorrow Will Be? (Monday)
  • 27) : How Many Months Have 31 Days In Year? (7) 
  • 28) : In A Room There Are Males And Females, If There Are 3/2 Male Then How Many Females Are In The Room, When Room Contain 30 People? (10)
  • 29) : Book Purchased In 30 Rs And Sold In 40 Rs Find The Profit In %? (33. 3%)
  • 30) : Railway Minister? (Sheikh Rasheed Ahmad)
  • 31) : Governer Sindh? (Imran Ismail)
  • 32) : Lowest Point On Earth Is? (Challenger Deep)
  • 33) : Jami ul Quran Title? (Hazrat Usman R.A)
  • 34) : Biggest District Areawise In Pakistan? (Chagai)
  • 35) : Who Wrote Loyal Muhammadan? (Sir Syed Ahmed Khan)
  • 36) : China Pak Border Agreement Date? (2 March 1963)
  • 37) : Where Pakistan Did Its Nuclear Test? (Ras Koh Hills In District Chagai)
  • 38) : Pakistan 1200 Mile Border Length With Which Country? (Afghanistan) Confirm It
  • 39) : Basel Is City Of? (Switzerland)
  • 40) : Smallest Continent? (Australia)
  • 41) : Highest Civil Award Of Pakistan? (Nishan e Pakistan)
  • 42) : First Women Governer General? (Begum Raana)
  • 43) : 2nd PM Of Pakistan? (Khuwaja Nazimuddin)
  • 44) : Empty Set Is Known As? (Finite) 
  • 45) : Chaura Chauri Incident Date? (5 Feb 1922)
  • 46) : Longest River Of Asia? (Yangtze)
  • 47) : Saffah Means? (Top Of Mountain)
  • 48) : Nisab of Gold? (7.5 Tola Or 84.87 Grams) 
  • 49) : 1857 Jung e Azadi Exact Date? (10 May 1857)
  • 50) : Relation Of Hazrat Hamza With Holy Prophet PBUH? (Companion As Well As Paternal Uncle)
  • 51) : “Prescribe” Synonym? (Order, Command, Dictate)
  • 52) : Cube Root of -2? (-1.25)
  • 53) : India Quite Movement? (8 August 1942)
  • 54) : Kaleemullah Is A Title Of? (Hazrat Musa AS)
  • 55) : Speaker of National Assembly? (Asad Qaiser)
  • 56) : 90% of 90? (81)
  • 57) : Old Name Of India? (Hindustan, Bharat or Bhartavarsha etc)
  • 59) : Israel Was Title Of? (Hazrat Yaqoob AS)
  • 60) : Which Place Connect Pakistan With Tajikistan? (Wakhan)
  • 61) : Laat And Uzaa Are? (Idol)
  • 62) : First Foreign Minister? (Muhammad Zafrullah Khan)
  • 63) : Sindh Bombay Se Separate Karne Ka Mutalba Kiska Tha? {Muslims (Muhammad Ali Jinnah 14 Points)}
  • 64) : FIFA WC 2018 Winner? (France)
  • 65) : President During 1956 Constitution? (Iskander Mirza) 
  • 66) : Quaid e Azam Left Congress In? (December 1920)
  • 67) : Makkah Conquered? (8 Hijri)
  • 68) : Mavakhat e Madinah Was Between? (Ansaar And Mahajareen)
  • 69) : Asadullah Is A Title Of? (Hazrat Ali R.A)
  • 70) : Quaid Date Of Birth? (25 Dec 1876)
  • 71) : Nehru Report Date? (30 August 1928)
  • 72) : Dark Continent? (Africa)
  • 73) : Red Sea Is Also Known As? (Gulf Of Arabia)
  • 74) : Capital Of Kyrgyzstan? (Bishkek)
  • 75) : Who Separated Bengal In 1913? (Lord Curzon)
  • 76) : Length of Pakistan Coast? (1046 KM)
  • 77) : Badar Is A Name Of? (Village) (Meaning Of Badar Is “Full Moon”)
  • 78) : The Largest Producer Of Carpet? (Iran¬) 
  • 79) : Sin 90°? (1) 
  • 80) : Abdul Salam Got Noble Prize In? (1979 in Physics)
  • 81) : Srilanka Capital? (Colombo)
  • 82) : Pak Aghan Border Name? (Durand Line) 
  • 83) : Who Gave The Idea of Pakistan? (Allama Iqbal) 
  • 84) : Which Was The First Book of Allama Iqbal? (Asrar e Khudi) 
  • 85) : First Hajj Offered In? (9 Hijri)
  • 86) : What Was The Father Name Of Hazrat Usman? (Affan Ibn Abi Al’As) 
  • 87) : Which Is The Oldest City Of Pakistan? (Multan) 
  • 88) : Currency Of Turkey? (Lira)
  • 89) : Land Of White Elephants Is? (Thailand) 
  • 90) : 1st Khalifa Of Islam? (Hazrat Abu Bakar R.A)
  • 91) : First Pakistani Astronaut? (Namira Salim In 2009) 
  • 92) : First Governer Of Pakistan? (Muhammad Ali Jinnah) 
  • 93) : First War With India Over Kashmir? (1947–1948 Indo-Pak War)
  • 94) : Tashkat Declaration? (1966) 
  • 95) : Badshai Mosque Was Built In Which Year? (1673 By Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb) 
  • 96) : Largest Road of Pakistan Is? (N-5 National Highway)
  • 97) : The Number of Idols Were In Khana Kaaba? (360) 
  • 98) : 2nd Largest Glacier In Pakistan Is? (Baltoro Glacier) 
  • 99) : "Now or Never"? (1933 By Ch. Rehmat Ali) 
  • 100) : When Pak Joined UNO? (30 September 1947) 
  • 101) : Holy Prophet Was Born In? (571 AD) 
  • 102) : Atique Is The Title Of? (Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A)
  • 103) : 1st War Of Panipat Date? (21 April 1526)
  • 104) : 1st Women Speaker of Balochistan Assembly? (Rahila Hameed Khan Durrani)
  • 105) : Which Country Opposed Pakistan’s Membership In UNO? (Afghanistan)
  • 106) : Which Angel Brings Revelations? (Hazrat Jibraiel AS)
  • 107) : Capital Of Mangolia? (Ulaanbaatar)
  • 108) : 2016 Olympics Kahan Hue? (Brazil)
  • 109) : When Did Quaid e Azam Gave Delhi Pect? (1916)
  • 110) : 48 Heads Of Hen And Cow Together And 140 Legs, How Many Hen Are There? (26)
  • 111) : Sulah Hudabiya Date? (6 Hijri)
  • 112) : Malala Ko Award Kis Liye Mila? (Peace) 
  • 113) : Tehreek e Khilafat Date? (Started In 1919)
  • 114) : Ali was born_____ 20 August,1997. (On)
  • 115) : Strength Of Muslims In Ghazwae Badar? (313)
  • 116) : Name Of First Book Of Ahadees? (Sahifa Sadika)
  • 117) : Pakistan Joined Which Organization In 2017? {SCO (Shnghai Cooperation Organization)}
  • 118) : Which Country Accepted Pakistan First? (Iran) 
  • 119) : First Moazzin Of Islam? (Hazrat Bilal R.A)
  • 120) : Spell Check Key? (F7)
  • 121) : Indus Treaty? (World Bank) 
  • 122) : Area Of Forests In Pakistan? {In 1990 (3.28%), Now (1.91%)}
  • 123) : Yamama Kis K Doar Mein Hui? (Hazrat Abu Bakkar RA)
  • 124) : Mostly Coal Is Found In Which Area Of Pakistan? {Thar (Sindh)}
  • 125) : Zakat Made Obligatory In? (2nd Hijri)
  • 126) : Daughters Of Prophet Muhammad PBUH? (4 Daughters)
  • 127) : Most Mentioned Prophet In Quran? {Hazrat Musa A.S (Mentioned 135 Times)}
  • 128) : Integral Of Cotx? (In |sin x| + C)
  • 129) : Mother Name Of Hazrat Ishaac? (Hazrat Sarah)
  • 130) : Pass Between Chitral And Afghanistan? (Dorah Pass)
  • 131) : Muslims Came Back Without Fight In Which Ghazwa? (Tabook)
  • 132) : Nearest Planet To Earth? (Venus) 
  • 133) : Pakistan Opposed India In Inclusion Of? (NSG)
  • 134) : Measurement Of Earthquake? (Richterscale)
  • 135) : Friction Is Maximum Between Tyres And Road During? (Hard Break)
  • 136) : Ambassoder Of Common Wealth Countries Are Called? (High Commissioner)
  • 137) : Circumference Of Earth? (40,075 KM)
  • 138) : IMF Functions? (Maintaining Balance Between Demand and Supply of Currencies)
  • 139) : Pentagon is for? (USA Defence Offices)
  • 140) : Sierra Leone Capital? (Freetown)
  • 141) : In Ghazwa Ohad Which Leaded The Enemy Force? (Abu Sufyan) 
  • 142) : 1st Female Justice Of Balochistan High Court? (Syeda Tahira Safdar) 
  • 143) : Space Between Margin And Before Paragraph is Called? (Indentation)
  • 144) : To Cut Useless Area Of Image Is Called? (Cropping) 
  • 145) : Text Styling In Word? (WordArt) 
  • 146) : NAM of 1955 In Which Country? (Indonesia)
  • 147) : Saindak Project Is Producing? (Copper And Gold)
  • 148) : Pak Parliamentary System Is? (Bicameral)
  • 149) : Largest Oil Refinery Of Pakistan? (Pak-Arab Refinery Ltd)
  • 150) : Purpose of WTO? (Regulation And International Trade)
  • 151) : Vitamin To Heal Wound? (Vitamin C, Also Called Ascorbic Acid)
  • 152) : Best Source Of Urgent Energy To Athlete? (Carbohydrates)
  • 153) : If A Person Purchase A Book Of 500 And Sale It In 700 Find Percentage of Profit? (40%)
  • 154) : When Pakistan Became A Member Of UNO? (30 Sep 1947)
  • 155) : Jang-e-Furqan Kis Ko Kehty Hain? (Battle Of Badar)
  • 156) : 2+2/2= (3)
  • 157) : Ghazwae Ohad Mein Shaheed Hone Wale Muslims Ki Tadaad? (85)
  • 158) : Pakistan Mein Electric Energy Ki Sabse Bari Source? {Thermal (Both Oil And Gas)}
  • 159) : Location Of Iran With Respect To Pakistan? (West)
  • 160) : Jange Yamama Mein Shaheed Hone Wale Muslims Ki Tadaad? (70)
  • 161) : Date Of Publishing Of Cause Of Revolt? (10 May 1857)
  • 162) : Objective Resolution Was Showed In Assembly On? (7 March 1949)
  • 163) : Noun ''School" Can Be Replaced With? (It)
  • 164) : SAFTA Stands For? (South Asian Free Trade Area)
  • 165) : Strength Of Muslims in Battle of Uhad? (1000)
  • 166) : How Many Articles Are In English? {Two ( A & The)}
  • 167) : IMF Stands For? (International Monetry Fund)
  • 168) : Founder Of Urdu Defence Association? (Mohsin Ul Mulk)
  • 169) : How Many Times Name Of Hazrat Jibrael Is Mentioned In Quran ? (4 Times)
  • 170) : Mount Olympus Is In? (Greece)
  • 171) : Last Prophet Sent To Bani Israel? (Hazrat Eesa AS)
  • 172) : France Curreny Before Euro? (Franc)
  • 173) : What Is One Tenth Of 90? (90/10 = 9)
  • 174) : What Is One Tenth Of 120? (120/10 = 12)
  • 175) : Hazrat Bilal R.A Was Slave Of? (Ummaiya Bin Half)
  • 176) : Mostly)@'@--- Articles Come Before?{Noun (i.e Singular Noun)}
  • 177) : Literal Meaning Of Islam? (Voluntry Submission To Allah)
  • 178) : In Class Of 1500 Students 1200 Are Present, Find The Percentage Of Present Students? (80%)
  • 179) : In Class Of 500 Students 340 Are Present, Find The Percentage Of Absent Students? (32%)
  • 180) : Akhuwat (Mawakhaat) Means? (Brotherhood)
  • 181) : What is Hudabiya? {Treaty (Place)}
  • 182) : Ziarat Is The Residency Of? (Quaid e Azam)
  • 183) : Age of Holy Prophet PBUH as Fujjar? (15)
  • 184) : Who Translated The Holy Quran In Urdu First? (Maulana Aashiq) 
  • 185) : Name Of China-India Border? (McMohan Line)
  • 186) : Jihad Of Women Is? (Hijaab)
  • 187) : They Are Three Brothers, Ali is ______ Of The Three? (Cleverest)
  • 188) : He Served Us ______ Breakfast? (A Good)
  • 189) : Where Are Salt Mines? (Khewra)
  • 190) : Fattah Khyber? (7 Hijri)
  • 191) : Namaz e Istasqa Is Offered For? (Rain)
  • 192) : Jinnah Research Centre Was Established In The Year? (1991)
  • 193) : Lahore Resolution Date? (23rd March 1940)
  • 194) : 1st World War Ended In? (1918)
  • 195) : Largest Island? (Greenland)
  • 196) : OPEC Stand For? (Organization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries)
  • 197) : Diamer Bhasha Dam Is On Which River? (River Indus)
  • 198) : Jange Uhad Ka Maarka Kab Pesh Aya? (3 Hijri)
  • 199) : Jinnah Research Centre Is Situated In? (Queen Maund Land, Eastern Antarctica)
  • 200) : Name The Only Sahabi Mentioned In Holy Quran? (Hazrat Zaid Bin Haris RA)
  • 201) : FSB Is A Secret Agency Of Which Country? (Russia)
  • 202) : "Morals Of Quran Are Embodiment Of Holy Prophet (S.A.W)", Who Said This? (Hazrat Ayesha R.A)
  • 203) : Wazeere Khazana? (Asad Umar)
  • 204) : Roohullah Is The Title Of? (Hazrat Esa A.S)
  • 205) : Zaboor Was Revealed On? (Hazrat Dawood A.S)
  • 206) : Length Of LOC? (740KM)
  • 207) : Mangla Dam Is On Which River? (River Jehlum)
  • 208) : Which Province Of Pakistan Is Called Babul Islam? (Sindh)
  • 209) : Barri Doab Is Between? (River Ravi And Beas) 
  • 210) : Moaztain Surah Name? (Surah Al-Falak And Surah An-Naas)
  • 211) : Which Surah Was Recited In Front Of Najashi? (Surah Maryam)
  • 212) : Sea With Most Salted Water? (Dead Sea)
  • 213) : Luknow Pact Was Between Which Parties? (Indian National Congress And Muslim League)
  • 214) : Lengthiest Constitution? (Indian Constitution)
  • 215) : Shah Walliullah Died In Which Year? (1762)
  • 216) : Siachin Glacier Is Situated In Which Mountain Range? (Eastern Karakoram Range)
  • 217) : If A Train Covers 120 Miles Per Hour. How Much Will It Cover In 12 Minutes? (38.4KM or 24 Miles)
  • 218) : Which Surah Is Called The Heart Of Holy Quran? (Surah Yaseen)
  • 219) : If Yesterday Was Monday Then What Will Be The Day After Tomorrow? (Thursday)
  • 220) : 500 Students Are In A Class, 360 Are Boys, Find The Girls%? (28%)
  • 221) : If A Helicopter Need 50 Gallons To Move 320 Kilometer. Then How Much Gallons Helicopter Need If It Moves 400 Kilometer? (62.5 Gallons)
  • 222) : Amjad And Ahmed Kept 24 Balloon, Amjad Kept Three Time More Then Ahmed, How Much Amjad Kept? (18 Balloons)
  • 223) : If A Train Covers 120 Km Per Hour, How Much Will It Cover In 18 Minutes? (36 Km)
  • 224) : np2=20 Find Value Of n? (10) 
  • 225) : KANUPP In Karachi Was Built With Assistance From? (Canadian Assistance).

  • #Offical_Language_Of_Countries
  • ★ Pakistan = Urdu
  • ★ India = Hindhi
  • ★ China = Madarin Chinese
  • ★ Bangladesh = Bengali
  • ★ Japan = Japanese
  • ★ Philippines = Filipino
  • ★ Qatar = Arabic
  • ★ Saudia arabia = Arabic
  • ★ Singapore = Malay, Tamil
  • ★ Sri Lanka = Sindhala, Tamil
  • ★ Syria = Arabic
  • ★ Taiwan = Mandarin Chinese
  • ★ Tajikistan = Tajik (Tojik)
  • ★ Thailand = Thai
  • ★ Turkey = Turkish
  • ★ Turkmenistan = Turkmen
  • ★ UAE = Arabic
  • ★ Uzbekistan = Uzbek
  • ★ Vietnam = Vietnamese
  • ★ Yemen = Arabic
  • ★ Oman = Arabic
  • ★ Nepal = Nepali
  • ★ Mongolia = khalkha Mongolian
  • ★ Malaysia = Malay
  • ★ Lebanon = Arabic
  • ★ Loas = Lao
  • ★ Kyrgyzstan = Kyrgyz Russian
  • ★ Kuwait = Arabic
  • ★ Korean South & North = Korean
  • ★ Kazakhstan = Kazak
  • ★ Jordan = Arabic
  • ★ Israel = Hebrew, Arabic
  • ★ Iraq = Arabic
  • ★ Iran = Farsi ( Persian)
  • ★ Indonesia = Bahasa Indonesian
  • ★ Georgia = Georgian
  • ★ Cyprus = Greek, Turkish
  • ★ Cambodia = Khmer
  • ★ Burma = Burmese
  • ★ Brunei = Malay
  • ★ Bhutan = Dzangkha
  • ★ Bahrain = Arabic
  • ★ Azerbaijan = Azerbaijani
  • ★ Armenia = Armenian
  • ★Afghanistan = Pushto,  Dari

  • General Knowledge:

  • 1. ICC headquarters is in UAE
  • 2. 1st cricket world cup played 1975 England
  • 3. Longest river Neal
  • 4. Basketball player 9
  • 5. Longest bridge in world China
  • 6. Zam zam well height 98ft
  • 7. When USA hit atom bomb on Japan 6&9 August 1945 Hiroshima Nagasaki
  • 8. Wall Berlin built 13 August 1961
  • 9. Bulb invented by Edison
  • 10. Water in human body 65%
  • 11. Longest planet Jupiter
  • 12. Quaid e Azam became president of Muslim League in 1913
  • 13. Pakistan sent artificial satellite in space 1990 Badr 1
  • 14. Muhammad Bin Qasm came to Sindh at the age of 17
  • 15. Most played game Football
  • 16. Europe Union joint Currency Euro
  • 17. Dog teeth 42
  • 18. Camel lived without water 17 days
  • 19. Honey Bee eyes 5
  • 20. Baluchistan became province 1973
  • 21. 1st Commercial Bank HBL
  • 22. 1st Marshal Law 1956
  • 23. 1st president came to Pakistan Iran
  • 24. Human bones 206
  • 25. Human heart average weight 11 Ounce
  • 26. Precious metal platinum
  • 27. Jang e Plase 1757
  • 28. Kmal Ata Turk died 1938
  • 29. 1st Asian games played 1978
  • 30. Shah Wali Ullah died 20 August 1762
  • 31. Indonesia got independence in 1945 from Netherland
  • 32. Ireland currency name Euro
  • 33. Pakistan became member of UNO 30 September 1947
  • 34. 1st Chief Justice of Pakistan Sir Ab Rasheed
  • 35. AJK State Subject issued in 20 April 1927
  • 36. Russia veto Kashmir issue in 1962
  • 37. K2 height 8611m
  • 38. Warsak dam built in which river Kabul
  • 39. Which country 1st hang Pakistan falg France
  • 40. 1st foreign minister Sir Zafrullah
  • 41. Taqseem Bengal 1905
  • 42. Pakistan 1st constitution 1956
  • 43. Bait e rizwam 6 Hijri
  • 44. Azan tajveez ki Hazrat Umar(R.A)
  • 45. Khlafat Rishda Total period 18 years
  • 46. Makki surahs 86
  • 47. First vahi verses 5
  • 48. Jang e Khaiber 7 Hijri
  • 49. Most name repeated in Holy Quran Moosa
  • 50. 1st Asmani Book Torat
  • 51. Most city name in Quran Madina
  • 52. How much time President Ibrahim AJK 4
  • 53. Hiba Khatoon queen how many years 35
  • 54. Mughal ruled Kashmir how many years 65
  • 55. Injeel asmani book written in which language Ibrani

  • *English Words / Meaning*

  • *Accurate* – correct
  • Achieve – *accomplish*
  • *Active* – energetic
  • Adamant – *firm*
  • *Add* – increase
  • Adequate – *sufficient*
  • *Aggressive* – assertive
  • Aid – help
  • Always – *forever*
  • *Amateur* – beginner
  • Ambitious – *aspiring*
  • *Approve* – accept
  • Arrive – *reach*
  • *Authentic* – genuine
  • Awful – *dreadful, atrocious*
  • *Bashful* – shy, timid
  • Beautiful – *pretty, attractive (Pretty Synonyms)*
  • *Before* – prior, earlier
  • Beginning – *start, initiate*
  • *Believe* – trust, accept
  • Below – *under, lower*
  • *Beneficial* – helpful, useful
  • Best – *finest, choice*
  • *Birth* – beginning
  • Blend – *combine, mix*
  • *Bottom* – base, foundation
  • Brave – *courageous, bold*
  • *Break* – fracture, burst
  • Brief – *short, concise*
  • *Buy* – purchase
  • Calm – *quiet, tranquil*
  • *Chilly* – cool, nippy
  • Chubby – *plump, pudgy*
  • *Clarify* – explain, simplify
  • Close – *near, imminent*
  • *Coarse* – bumpy, rough
  • Comical – *amusing, funny*
  • *Complex* – complicated
  • Confine – *contain, enclose*
  • *Conflict* – fight, battle, struggle
  • Conform – *comply, submit*
  • *Connect* – join, link, attach
  • Correct – *accurate, right*
  • *Courage* – bravery, valor
  • Courteous – *polite, civil*
  • *Cranky* – cross, irritable
  • Crazy – *insane, daft, mad*
  • *Cruel* – mean, heartless
  • Daring – *bold, audacious*
  • *Deduct* – subtract, remove
  • Defend – *protect, shield*
  • *Defy* – resist, challenge
  • Delicate – *fragile, dainty*
  • *Despise* – hate, detest, loathe
  • Destitute – *poor, penniless*
  • *Deter* – hinder, prevent
  • Determined – *sure, convinced*
  • *Dirty* – soiled, messy (Dirty Synonym)
  • Disagree – *differ, dispute*
  • *Dispute* – debate, oppose
  • Diverse – *different, distinct*
  • *Divide* – separate, split
  • Docile – *tame, gentle*
  • *Dubious* – doubtful, questionable
  • Dull – *blunt, dreary*
  • *Dumb* – stupid, dense
  • Easy – *simple (Easy Synonym)*
  • *Encourage* – promote, support, urge
  • Enjoy – *like, appreciate*
  • *Enlarge* – expand, magnify
  • Enormous – *vast, immense, colossal (Big Synonym)*
  • *Fast* – rapid, quick, swift
  • Fat – *chubby, plump, stout*
  • *Fatal* – deadly, mort

  • Important Abbreviations

  • #POLICE : Public Officer for Legal Investigations and Criminal Emergencies.
  • #VIP : Very Important Person.
  • #SHO : Station House Officer.
  • #BBC : British Broadcasting Corporation.
  • #CID : Criminal Investigation Department.
  • #CSP : Civil Service of Pakistan.
  • #CSS :Central Superior Services.
  • #FANA: Federally Administered Northern Areas.
  • #FATA : Federally Administered Tribal Areas.
  • #GDP : Gross Domestic Product.
  • #GHQ : General Head Quarter.
  • #FIR : First Information Report.
  • #IBM : International Business Machines.
  • #ISPR: Inter Services Public Relation.
  • #ISSB : Inter Services Selection Board.
  • #NOC : No Objection Certificate.
  • #OIC : Organization of Islamic Conference.
  • #PCS : Public Service Commission.
  • #SAARC: South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation.
  • #SSG: Special Services Group.
  • #UNICEF: United Nation International Children Emergency Fund.
  • #WASA: Water and Sanitation Agency.
  • #ISAF: International Security Association Force.
  • #LPG: Liquefied Petroleum Gas.
  • #CNG: Compressed Natural Gas.
  • #ECG: Electrocardiography.
  • #RAM: Random Access Memory.
  • #LASER: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emmission of Radiation.
  • #DADAR: Radio Detection and Ranging.
  • #AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
  • WWW: World Wide Web.
  • DNA: Deoxyribonucleic Acid.
  • SONAR: Sound Navigation and Ranging.
  • CPU: Central Processing Unit.
  • LCD: Liquid Crystal Display .
  • kHz: Kilohertz.
  • KV: Kilo Volt.
  • NADRA: National Database and Registration Authority.
  • LED: Light Emitting Diode.
  • HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol.Important Abbreviations
  • POLICE : Public Officer for Legal Investigations and Criminal Emergencies.
  • VIP : Very Important Person.
  • SHO : Station House Officer.
  • BBC : British Broadcasting Corporation.
  • CID : Criminal Investigation Department.
  • CSP : Civil Service of Pakistan.
  • CSS :Central Superior Services.
  • FANA: Federally Administerated Northern Areas.
  • FATA : Federal Administrated Tribal Areas.
  • GDP : Gross Domestic Product.
  • GHQ : General Head Quarter.
  •  F.I.R:First Information Report.

  • #Important_Knowledge

  • • Longest tenure as Governor General was Ghulam Mohammad.
  • • Longest tenure as President was Ayub Khan.
  • • The Longest period of rule was of Zia.
  • • Longest tenure as PM was of Liaquat Ali
  • • Shortest tenure as PM of Ayub Khan (3 days) then Shujaat Hussain (47 days).
  • • Shortest tenure as President is of Bhutto.
  • • Shortest tenure as Governor General is of Quaid.
  • • Longest tenure as Governor General is of Ghulam Mohd:
  • • Largest library is Quaid-e-Azam library.
  • • Largest University is in Punjab.
  • • Oldest university is in Punjab.
  • • The only non-military Shaheed to receive Nishan-e-Haider was Subaidar Lalik Jan he belonged to NLI.
  • • The highest peak of Sulaiman mountains is Takht-e-Sulaiman.
  • • Highest peak is K2 (Goodwin Austin 5,611 meters)
  • • 2nd largest glacier of Pak: is Batura.
  • • Largest Island of Pak: is Manora.
  • • Smallest city is Jehlum.
  • • Longest tunnel rail= Khojak (2.43 miles) (Baluchistan), road=Lowari Tunnel (5 miles), water=Warsak Dam Tunnel (3.5 miles).
  • • The rainiest city is Rawalpindi.
  • • The rainiest place is Murree.

  • General Knowledge About Pakistan

  • • First Medical College was Nishtar Medical College.
  • • Smallest Dam is Warsak dam.
  • • The largest mountain range is Karakoram.
  • • First to receive Nishan-e-Hyder was Mohd: Sarwar Shaheed.
  • • First private airline of Pakistan is Hajvari.
  • • Pak’s Second largest city is Lahore.
  • • Abdur Rasheed was the first Chief Justice was the first chief justice of Pakistan.
  • • Zafarullah Khan was the first foreign minister of Pakistan.
  • • Keenjhar is the largest man made a lake in Pakistan.
  • • Manchar Lake is the biggest lake of Pakistan.
  • • Trich Mir is the highest peak of Hindu Kush.
  • • The largest coal mine is in Quetta.
  • • In Pakistan, first woman bank was established in the year 1989.
  • • Pakistan’s first geoscientific laboratory is functioning in Islamabad.
  • • The highest point of the Khyber Pass is Landhi Kotal.
  • • The first atomic power station of Pakistan was installed in Karachi.
  • • The First President of America who made an official visit to Pakistan was Dwight D. Eishenhower
  • • The largest airline is PIA.
  • • Largest airport is Quaid-e-Azam International Airport, Karachi.
  • • The largest canal is Lloyd Barrage Canal.
  • • Largest dam is Terbela.
  • • Largest desert is Thar.
  • General Knowledge About Pakistan
  • • Largest district is Khuzdar (Baluchistan).
  • • The largest industrial unit is Pak: Steel Mill.
  • • The largest industry is Textile.
  • • Largest island is Manora (Karachi)
  • • Largest Jungle is Changa Manga (Kasur).
  • • Largest lake (artificial) is Keenjhar.
  • • Largest lake (natural) is Manchar.
  • • Largest library is Punjab Public Library, Lahore.
  • • Largest mine is Salt Mines of Khewra.
  • • The largest motorway is Lahore-Islamabad.
  • • Largest museum is National Museum, Karachi.
  • • The largest circulated Urdu newspaper is Jang, English is The News.
  • • The largest nuclear reactor is KANUPP, Karachi.
  • • The largest oil field is Dhurnal Oil Field.
  • • The largest park is Ayub National Park, Rawalpindi.
  • • Largest Radio Station is Islamabad.
  • • Largest university is Punjab University, Lahore.
  • • Longest coast is of Baluchistan (771 km)
  • • A largest railway platform is of Rohri.
  • • Longest railway track: Karachi to Landi Kotal.
  • • Longest road: Karachi to Peshawar.
  • • A first TV station in Pakistan started at Lahore.
  • • Pakistan’s first radio station was set up at Karachi.
  • General Knowledge About Pakistan Important Information
  • • Iran was first to recognize Pakistan.
  • • Pakistan opened its first embassy in Iran.
  • • Egypt was first to open its embassy in Pakistan. (chk)
  • • The first governor of State Bank Zahid Hussain.
  • • First Lady governor Rana Liaquat Ali (Sindh) 1973-1976.
  • • First lady federal minister Vikarun Nisa Noor (Tourism).
  • • The first state to join Pakistan was Bahawul Pur, 1954.
  • • Pak: cricket team first visited England.(chk: India)
  • • The first captain of cricket team Abdul Hafeez Kardar.
  • • First century Nazar Mohammed against India in 1954 in Lacknow.
  • • First Woman University is located in Rawalpindi.
  • • The first governor of Punjab=Francis Moody.
  • • First CM of Punjab=Iftikhar Hussain Mamdot.
  • • First Governor of Sindh=Ghulam Hussain Hidayatullah.
  • • First CM of Sindh=Ayub Khoro.
  • • First Governor of Baluchistan=Lt: General Riaz Hussain.
  • • First CM of Baluchistan=Attaullah Mengal.
  • • First Chief Justice of Pak: Sir Abdur Rasheed.
  • • First PM of Azad Kashmir=Abdul Hamid Khan.
  • • First President of AJK=Sardar Ibrahim Khan.
  • • First Commander-in-Chief of Pak: Army was Frank Miservi.
  • • First chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee was General Mohd: Sharif.
  • • The first chief of Staff of armed forces was General Tikka Khan.
  • General Knowledge About Pakistan Important Information
  • • First governor State Bank was Zahid Hussain.
  • • The first daily newspaper is Amroz 1947.
  • • First lady pilot was Shukriya Khanum.
  • • The first museum of Pak established in Karachi in 1950.
  • • First Bank was United Bank (7th August 1947)
  • • First Agriculture Reforms in Pak: Jan: 24, 1959.
  • • First Chief Election Commissioner of Pak: Mr. Khan F.M.Khan (25th March 1956)
  • • Election Commission was created on 23rd March 1956 under Article 137 of 1956 constitution.
  • • First Muslim Commander in Chief of Pak: Ayub Khan.
  • • First Radio Station established was of Karachi.
  • • First T.V station was setup at Lahore on Nov: 26, 1964.
  • • First lady Lady Major General in Pak: Dr. Shahida Malik.
  • • First Space satellite was launched by Pak: in 1990.
  • • First private TV Channel STN launched in 1990.
  • • First Chairman Senate was Habibullah Khan.
  • • First woman judge of High Court: Majida Rizvi.
  • • First constructed barrage of Pak: Sukkur Barrage.
  • • First Secretary General of Pak: Ch: Mohd: Ali.
  • • Agro museum is at Lailpur.
  • General Knowledge About Pakistan Important Information
  • • First biogas plant was installed in 1974.
  • • First woman bank established on Dec: 1, 1989.
  • • Badshahi mosque built in 1670 A.D.
  • • Designation of GG changed into President on 23rd March 1956.
  • • Largest Hockey stadium is National Hockey Stadium Lahore.
  • • First minority minister of Pak: Joginder Nath Mandal held the portfolio of law.
  • • First Atomic Reactor established in Islamabad in 1956. (chk).
  • • Largest railway tunnel is Khojak.
  • • Smallest dam of Pak: Warsak dam.
  • • Largest fort of Pak: “Rani Kot”.
  • • City Bank is the largest bank in the country.(chk: Habib Bank)
  • • Nishan-e-Pak: is the highest civil award of Pak:
  • • The second highest civil award is Hilal-e-Pak:
  • • Ayub National Park (Rawalpindi) is the largest Park in Pakistan.
  • • Karachi National Museum is the biggest in Pak:
  • • The largest Railway station is Lahore.
  • • Highest Pass is Muztag Pass which connects Gilgit to Xinkiyang.
  • • The largest canal is Lloyd Barrage Canal or Sukkur Barrage or Lance Down Pull built in 1936.
  • General Knowledge About Pakistan Important Information
  • • Largest Cement Plant is Lucky Cement Plant near Luki Marwat.
  • • The largest road is Shahrah-e-Pak:
  • • The shortest river is Ravi.
  • • Smallest division is Karachi.
  • • Largest division is Kalat.
  • • The largest division of Sindh is Therparkar.
  • • Habib Bank Plaza Karachi has 23 stories (345 ft)
  • • Minar-e-Pak is 196 ft, 8 inches high.
  • • Pakistan has its longest boundary with Afghanistan.
  • • Pakistan is 34th largest country in the world, 6th population wise.
  • • The smallest civil award is Tamg-e-Khidmat.
  • • The first census of Indo-Pak: 1881.
  • • Highest dam is Mangla dam.
  • • Pak: expedition to Antarctica reached on 5 Jan 1991 established Jinnah Research Station.
  • General Knowledge About Pakistan Important Information
  • • First governor State Bank was Zahid Hussain.
  • • The first daily newspaper is Amroz 1947.
  • • First lady pilot was Shukriya Khanum.
  • • The first museum of Pak established in Karachi in 1950.
  • • First Bank was United Bank (7th August 1947)
  • • First Agriculture Reforms in Pak: Jan: 24, 1959.
  • • First Chief Election Commissioner of Pak: Mr. Khan F.M.Khan (25th March 1956)
  • • Election Commission was created on 23rd March 1956 under Article 137 of 1956 constitution.
  • • First Muslim Commander in Chief of Pak: Ayub Khan.
  • • First Radio Station established was of Karachi.
  • • First T.V station was setup at Lahore on Nov: 26, 1964.
  • • First lady Lady Major General in Pak: Dr. Shahida Malik.
  • • First Space satellite was launched by Pak: in 1990.
  • • First private TV Channel STN launched in 1990.
  • • First Chairman Senate was Habibullah Khan.
  • • First woman judge of High Court: Majida Rizvi.
  • • First constructed barrage of Pak: Sukkur Barrage.
  • • First Secretary General of Pak: Ch: Mohd: Ali.
  • • Agro museum is at Lailpur.
  • General Knowledge About Pakistan Important Information
  • • First biogas plant was installed in 1974.
  • • First woman bank established on Dec: 1, 1989.
  • • Badshahi mosque built in 1670 A.D.
  • • Designation of GG changed into President on 23rd March 1956.
  • • Largest Hockey stadium is National Hockey Stadium Lahore.
  • • First minority minister of Pak: Joginder Nath Mandal held the portfolio of law.
  • • First Atomic Reactor established in Islamabad in 1956. (chk).
  • • Largest railway tunnel is Khojak.
  • • Smallest dam of Pak: Warsak dam.
  • • Largest fort of Pak: “Rani Kot”.
  • • City Bank is the largest bank in the country.(chk: Habib Bank)
  • • Nishan-e-Pak: is the highest civil award of Pak:
  • • The second highest civil award is Hilal-e-Pak:
  • • Ayub National Park (Rawalpindi) is the largest Park in Pakistan.
  • • Karachi National Museum is the biggest in Pak:
  • • The largest Railway station is Lahore.
  • • Highest Pass is Muztag Pass which connects Gilgit to Xinkiyang.
  • • The largest canal is Lloyd Barrage Canal or Sukkur Barrage or Lance Down Pull built in 1936.
  • General Knowledge About Pakistan Important Information
  • • Largest Cement Plant is Lucky Cement Plant near Luki Marwat.
  • • The largest road is Shahrah-e-Pak:
  • • The shortest river is Ravi.
  • • Smallest division is Karachi.
  • • Largest division is Kalat.
  • • The largest division of Sindh is Therparkar.
  • • Habib Bank Plaza Karachi has 23 stories (345 ft)
  • • Minar-e-Pak is 196 ft, 8 inches high.
  • • Pakistan has its longest boundary with Afghanistan.
  • • Pakistan is 34th largest country in the world, 6th population wise.
  • • The smallest civil award is Tamg-e-Khidmat.
  • • The first census of Indo-Pak: 1881.
  • • Highest dam is Mangla dam.
  • • Pak: expedition to Antarctica reached on 5 Jan 1991 established Jinnah Research Station.


  • 1: Number of Bones 206
  • 2: Number of Muscles 639
  • 3: Number of Kidneys 2
  • 4: Number of Milk Teeth 20
  • 5: Number of Ribs 24 (12 pair)
  • 6: Number of Heart Chamber 4
  • 7: Largest artery Aorta 
  • 8: Normal blood pressure 120/80mmHg
  • 9: Ph of Blood 7.4
  • 10: Number of vertebrae in the Spine 33
  • 11: Number of vertebrae in the Neck 7
  • 12: Number of Bones in Middle Ear 6
  • 13: Number of Bones in Face 14
  • 14: Number of Bones in Skull 22
  • 15: Number of Bones in Chest 25
  • 16: Number of Bones in Arms 6
  • 17: Number of Muscles in Human Arm 72
  • 18: Number of Pumps in Heart 2
  • 19: Largest Organ Skin
  • 20: Largest gland Liver
  • 21: Biggest cell female Ovum
  • 22: Smallest cell male Sperm
  • 23: Smallest Bone Stapes
  • 24: First transplanted Organ Heart 
  • 25: Average length of Small Intestine 7m
  • 26: Average length of Large Intestine 1.5m
  • 27: Average weight of new Born baby 2.6kg
  • 28: Pulse rate in One Minute 72 times
  • 29: Normal body temperature 37 C° (98.4 F°)
  • 30: Average Blood Volume 4 to 5 liters
  • 31: Life Span of RBC 120 days
  • 32: Life Span of WBC 10 to 15 days
  • 33: Pregnancy Period 280 days (40 week)
  • 34: Number of Bones in Human Foot 33
  • 35: Number of Bones in Each wrist 8
  • 36: Number of Bones in Hand 27
  • 37: Largest Endocrine gland Thyroid 
  • 38: Largest Lymphatic Organ Spleen
  • 39: Largest part of Brain Cerebrum
  • 40: Largest & Strongest Bone Femur 
  • 41: Smallest Muscle Stapedius (Middle Ear)
  • 41: Number of Chromosome 46 (23 pair)
  • 42: Number of Bones in new Born baby 306
  • 43: Viscosity of Blood 4.5 to 5.5
  • 44: Universal Donor Blood Group O
  • 45: Universal Recipient Blood Group AB
  • 46: Largest WBC Monocyte
  • 47: Smallest WBC Lymphocyte
  • 48: Increase RBC count called Polycethemia
  • 49: Blood Bank in the Body is Spleen 
  • 50: Non Nucleated Blood cell is RBC
  • 51: RBC produced in the Bone Marrow 
  • 52: River of Life is Called Blood
  • 53: Normal Blood Cholesterol level 250mg/dl 
  • 54: Fluid part of Blood is Plasma
  • 55: Normal Blood Sugar 100mg/dl

  • *Covid-19* 

  • MCQs
  • ✍🏻COVID -19 stands for?
  • Corona Virus Disease 2019
  • ✍🏻COVID -19 started from Which?
  • China
  • ✍🏻When First Corona Virus case Reported in the World?
  • 31 Dec 2019.
  • ✍🏻When Was First Corona Virus Patient Died in the World?
  • 11 Jan 2020
  • ✍🏻When Was first case of Corona Virus Reported outside China?
  • 13 Jan 2020
  • ✍🏻Where was the First Corona Virus Case Reported Outside China?
  • Japan
  • ✍🏻When was First Corona Virus Patient Died Outside China?
  • 2 Feb 2020.
  • ✍🏻Where First Corona Virus Patient Died Outside China?
  • Philppines.
  • ✍🏻When Was First Corona Virus Case Reported in USA?
  • 20 Jan 2020
  • ✍🏻When First Corona Virus Patient Died in USA ?
  • 29 Feb 2020
  • ✍🏻When Was First Corona Virus Case Reported in Pakistan?
  • 26 feb 2020
  • ✍🏻When Was First Corona Virus Case Patient died in Pakistan?
  • 18 March 2020
  • ✍🏻When First Corona Virus Case Reported in Africa Continent?
  • 28 Feb 2020.
  • ✍🏻Where First Corona Virus Case Reported in Africa Continent?
  • Nigeria.
  • ✍🏻Which Of Following Diseases are Related to COVID-19 ?
  • .SARS.
  • Severe Accute Respiratory
  • ✍🏻When WHO Declare Novel Corona Virus to COVID -19?
  • 11 feb 2020.
  • ✍🏻When WHO Declare Novel Corona Virus to Pandemic Disease?
  • 11 March 2020.
  • ✍🏻How Long Does it take for Symptoms of the Corona Virus Disease to Appear? 
  • 5-6 Days
  • ✍🏻How many Different human Corona Viruses there?
  • Six Species of Human.

  • 1.In which city Hiran minar is located? 
  • A. Lahore 
  • B. Peshawar 
  • C. Sheikhupura✅
  • D. Vehari
  • 2.Harappa is located on the bank of 
  • A. Ravi River✅ 
  • B. Chenab River 
  • C. Sutlej River 
  • D. Indus River
  • 3.Mohanjodaro is located on the bank of 
  • A. Ravi River 
  • B. Chenab River 
  • C. Sutlej River 
  • D. Indus River✅
  • 4.Bhambore is an Arachaeological site located in 
  • A. Punajab 
  • B. Sindh✅ 
  • C. Balochistan 
  • D. Khyber Pakhunkhwa
  • 5.Nimogram is a historical place located in which province? 
  • A. Punjab 
  • B. Sindh 
  • C. Balochistan 
  • D. Khyber Pakhunkhwa✅
  • 6.In which of following districts Harappa is located? 
  • A. Peshawar 
  • B. Sheikhupura 
  • C. Lahore 
  • D. Sahiwal✅
  • 7.In which of the following districts Mahenjodaro is located?
  • A. Larkana✅ 
  • B. Thatta 
  • C. Dadu 
  • D. Khairpur
  • 8.Taxila university was established by the king 
  • A. Ashoka✅ 
  • B. Mahweer 
  • C. Akbar 
  • D. Babar
  • 9.Jinnah garden is located in the 
  • A. Lahore✅ 
  • B. Karachi 
  • C. Ziarat 
  • D. Multan
  • 10.Change Manga Forest and National Park is located near the 
  • A. Multan 
  • B. Sheikhupura 
  • C. Lahore✅ 
  • D. Karachi
  • 11.Badshahi mosque located in Lahore was built by 
  • A. Aurangzeb alamgir✅
  • B. Shah jahan 
  • C. Akbar 
  • D. Jahangir
  • 12.Shalimar garden is located in the city of 
  • A. Lahore✅ 
  • B. Karachi 
  • C. Multan 
  • D. Taxila
  • 13.Shalimar Garden was buit in 
  • A. 1632 
  • B. 1642✅ 
  • C. 1648 
  • D. 1652
  • 14.Badshahi Mosque was built in 
  • A. 1670 
  • B. 1674✅ 
  • C. 1676 
  • D. 1678
  • 15.Noor Jehan tomb is located in 
  • A. Kabul 
  • B. Agra 
  • C. Lahore✅ 
  • D. Multan
  • 16.Lahore was properly walled city surrounded by how many gates? 
  • A. 10 
  • B. 12✅ 
  • C. 11 
  • D. 14
  • 17.Qutub ud Din Aibek tomb is located in 
  • A. Lahore✅
  • B. Multan 
  • C. Agra 
  • D. Dehli
  • 18.Gudwara Panja sahib is located in 
  • A. Hasan Abdal✅
  • B. Attock 
  • C. Lahore 
  • D. Nankana sahib
  • 19.Shah Faisal Mosque is located in 
  • A. Islamabad✅ 
  • B. Lahore 
  • C. Karachi 
  • D. Sargodha
  • 20.Baba Bulleh Shah tomb is located 
  • A. Bahawalpur 
  • B. Multan 
  • C. Kasur✅ 
  • D. Lahore..... 

  • #50_World_General_Knowledge_QA

  • 1. Who invented Logarithm tables? – John Napier
  • 2. In which country the Leaning Tower of Pisa located? – Italy
  • 3. Malfunctioning of which organ causes jaundice? – Liver
  • 4. Who started the ancient Olympic Games? – The Greeks
  • 5. Joule is the unit of? – Energy
  • 6. Which international tennis events is played on a grass court? – Wimbeldon
  • 7. In which year a resolution ‘Uniting for Peace’ was adopted by UN General Assembly? – 1950
  • 8. What are the official language of the UNO? – English, French, Chinese, Russian, Arabic and
  • Spanish
  • 9. How many non-permanent Security Council (UNO) members are from Afro-Asian countries? –5
  • 10. Amnestry International is a – Human Rights group
  • 11. Hundred year war was fought between which two countries? – France and England
  • 12. Who is considered as the inventor of the World Wide Web (WWW)? – Tim Berners Lee
  • 13. ICAO stands for? – International Civil Aviation Organization
  • 14. Who was known as “Lady with Lamp”? –
  • Florence Nightingale
  • 15. In which year Hockey was introduced in the Asian Games? – 1958 (Tokyo)
  • 16. Karl Marx belonged to which country? –
  • Germany
  • 17. Which instrument is used for seeing objects at the surface of water from a submarine under
  • water? – Periscope
  • 18. Boston Tea Party is associated with? –
  • American Revolution
  • 19. Fathometer is used to measure? – Ocean depth
  • 20. Napolean Bonaparte belonged to? –
  • France
  • 21. World Red Cross day is celebrated on? –
  • May 8
  • 22. A computer disc (CD) is a database of the type: – Magnetic
  • 23. Golf player Vijay Singh belongs to which country? – Fiji
  • 24. The Bolshevik Revolution is associated with? – Russia
  • 25. Who conducted the first human heart transplant operation? – Dr Christiaan (Chris) Barnard  From South Africa
  • Knowledge_FoR_All
  • 26. The play Godan was written by? – Munshi Prem Chand
  • 27. The control Center of the body is the –
  • Brain
  • 28. Head Office of the Asian Development Bank located in – Manila
  • 29. Main memory is: – Random access memory
  • 30. Which country awards the Noble Prize? –
  • Sweden
  • 31. Scientists who study the weather are known as – Meteorologists
  • 32. What was the full name of the person who is associated with Noble Prize? – Alfred Bernhard Noble
  • 33. Who developed the first vaccine? –
  • Edward Jenner
  • 34. Name the scientist who first declared that the earth revolves around the sun? –
  • Copernicus
  • 35. Who invented the lift? – Elisha Graves Otis
  • 36. Which lenses are used by the people having short – sightedness? – Concave
  • 37. What is the shape of the earth? – Oblate
  • 38. Which is the hardest substance in the human body? – Enamel
  • 39. Name the ore from which aluminium is extracted? – Bauxite
  • 40. Which branch of Medical Science deals with skin? – Dermatology
  • 41. Sargasso sea is located in: – North Atlantic ocean
  • 42. Which is the largest Gulf in the world? –
  • Gulf of Mexico
  • 43. There is a submarine ridge in the Bay of Bengal. What is it called? – Ninety east ridge
  • 44. Where is the Dogger Bank, which is a major fishing area, located? – North Sea
  • 45. Verification of a login name and password is known as – Authentication
  • 46. Which star is nearest to sun? – Alpha Centauri A
  • 47. Which is the smallest and fastest computer imitating brain working? –
  • Quantum Computer
  • 48. Bangladesh was created in which year? –
  • 1971
  • 49. Who won the Miss World 2017 crown at a grand event in China? – Manushi Chhillar
  • 50. Which country will organize the 10th South Asia Economic Summit? – Nepal
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan is the *first & only Islamic country* to attain nuclear power.
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan’s *national anthem tune* ranks *first in the top three* tunes of the world.
  • 🇵🇰 *Fourth largest broadband* internet system of world is in Pakistan.
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan has the *sixth largest military force* in the world.
  • 🇵🇰 Air Commodore *Muhammad Mahmood Alam* downed *five Indian aircraft in less than a minute* — the first four within 30 seconds — establishing a world record.
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan has been listed among *Next Eleven* (or N-11), the eleven countries that along with the BRICS have a high potential of becoming the world’s  *largest economies in the 21st century.*
  • 🇵🇰 In the last five years, Pakistan’s literacy rate has grown by 250%, *the largest increase in any country to date.*
  • 🇵🇰 The world’s *second highest* and *the ninth highest* mountains , K2 and Nanga Parbat respectively, are in Pakistan.
  • 🇵🇰 World’s *youngest certified Microsoft Experts* Arfa Kareem and Babar Iqbal are from Pakistan.
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan is the *sixth most populated country* in the world.
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan is a multilingual country with more than *sixty languages* being spoken.
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan is the *second-most populous Muslim-majority* country and also has the _second-largest Shia population_ in the world.
  • 🇵🇰 Tarbela Dam is the *World’s largest* earth filled *dam* and *2nd largest dam* overall.
  • 🇵🇰 Edhi Foundatation is running the *World’s largest Ambulance network.*
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan has *world’s youngest civil judge*, Muhammad Illyas.
  • 🇵🇰 The *highest railway station* of Asia is in Pakistan.
  • 🇵🇰 *First PC virus* was created by two Pakistani brothers.
  • 🇵🇰 World’s *7th largest* country of Scientists and Engineer.
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan is *notable* for having one of the *best trained air-force pilots* in the world.
  • 🇵🇰 World’s *largest deep sea port* is Gwadar.
  • 🇵🇰 About *50% of the world’s footballs* are made in Pakistan.
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan is the land of *oldest Civilization* - Indus Valley and Mohenjo-Daro.
  • 🇵🇰 The Karakoram Highway, connecting China & Pakistan, is the *highest paved international road* in the world.
  • 🇵🇰 Khewra Salt Mine, the *second largest salt mine in the world* is in Pakistan.
  • 🇵🇰 World’s *highest Polo ground* is in Shandur Top, Pakistan at a height of 3,700 meters.
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan has the world’s *largest Irrigation System.*
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan has the *Highest Mountain Ranges* In The World.
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan has *One of the Largest Deserts* In The World.
  • 🇵🇰 In 1994, Pakistan became the *first country* of the world to hold *4 World Cups titles* in different mainstream sports simultaneously. The sports include Cricket, Hockey, Squash and Snooker.
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan missile technology is *one of the best in the world*. The country made a lot of missiles in a very little time since they became a nuclear power.
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan is a proud manufacturer of *one of the best jet fighters* of the world. 
  • 🇵🇰 Nestle Pakistan is *one of the largest milk processing plant* which generates handsome revenue every year.
  • 🇵🇰 The Cambridge exams of both A and O levels have been *topped by Pakistani students* and this is a record yet to be broken.
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan is *one the biggest exporter* of  surgical instruments all around the world.
  • 🇵🇰 World's most famous tourist guide book, the Lonely Planet has stated Pakistan as being the *Next Big Thing of the world* tourist industry.
  • 🇵🇰 According to a poll organised by the Institute of European Business Administration, from 125 countries, Pakistanis have been ranked the *fourth most intelligent people* across the globe.
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan is the *5th largest country for producing dates* in the world.
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan is the *4th largest country for producing cotton* in the world.
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan is the *4th largest country for producing milk* in the world.
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan is the *2nd largest country for producing Buffalo milk* in the world.
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan is the *21st biggest economy* in the world.
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan is the *7th largest country for producing wheat* in the world.
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan is the *6th largest country for producing Apricot* in the world.
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan is the *No. 1 country for producing long grain Basmathi Rice, 11th for overall rice production* in the world.
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan is the *No. 1 country for producing Kinnow "Orange" No. 6 for producing Mussami "Mandarin Orange"* in the world.
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan is the *No. 1 country for producing more sweet, delicious Mango varieties, 4th in overall Mango production* in the world.
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan is the *7th largest country for producing Onion* in the world.
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan is the *5th largest country for producing Sugarcane* in the world.
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan is the *3rd largest country for producing Chickpeas* in the world.
  • 🇵🇰 Pakistan is the *8th largest country for farming crops* in the world.
  • General. Knowledge. Mcqs.
  • 1) : Objective Resolution Was Passed By? (Liaqat Ali Khan On 12 March 1949)
  • 2) : Quran Pak Other Name? (Furqan)
  • 3) : Montegu Chelmsford Reform Date? (1919)
  • 4) : The Number Of Rivers In Balochistan? (7)
  • 5) : Surah Name On Ant Is? (Numl)
  • 6) : First Democractic Election In Pakistan? ( 7 Dec 1970)
  • 7) : Baltic Countries? (Latvia, Finland, Poland, Germany, Russia etc)
  • 8) : Pirpur Report Date? (1938)
  • 9) : Cabinut Mission? (1946)
  • 10) : Cube Root Of Unity? (1)
  • 11) : Khalid Bin Waleed Accepted Islam In? (6 Hijri)
  • 12) : Abu Sufyan Accepted Islam In? (8 Hijri)
  • 13) : Hazrat Muazz Was Governer Of? (Yemen)
  • 14) : The Inverse Of Scalar Matrix? (Scalar Matrix)
  • 15) : Sin180-x? (Sinx)
  • 16) : Pak Celebrate Defence Day From? (1966)
  • 17) : Old Name Of Attock? (Campbell Pur)
  • 18) : Pak Afghan Border Length? (2430 KM)
  • 19) : Geneva Pact? (1988)
  • 20) :Which Country Is Called Rising Sun? (Japan)
  • 21) : How Many Agencies Are In FATA? (7)
  • 22) : King Of Habsha’s Religion? {Armah (Najashi)}
  • 23) : Most Deveoped Continent? (Europe)
  • 24) : What Will Be Last Letter Of UTYEAB When You Arrange It?  (Y)
  • 25) : What Will Be Third Letter Alphabeticallu Arengement in “Management”? (G)
  • 26) : If Yesterday Was Friday Then After Tomorrow Will Be? (Monday)
  • 27) : How Many Months Have 31 Days In Year? (7) 
  • 28) : In A Room There Are Males And Females, If There Are 3/2 Male Then How Many Females Are In The Room, When Room Contain 30 People? (10)
  • 29) : Book Purchased In 30 Rs And Sold In 40 Rs Find The Profit In %? (33. 3%)
  • 30) : Railway Minister? (Sheikh Rasheed Ahmad)
  • 31) : Governer Sindh? (Imran Ismail)
  • 32) : Lowest Point On Earth Is? (Challenger Deep)
  • 33) : Jami ul Quran Title? (Hazrat Usman R.A)
  • 34) : Biggest District Areawise In Pakistan? (Chagai)
  • 35) : Who Wrote Loyal Muhammadan? (Sir Syed Ahmed Khan)
  • 36) : China Pak Border Agreement Date? (2 March 1963)
  • 37) : Where Pakistan Did Its Nuclear Test? (Ras Koh Hills In District Chagai)
  • 38) : Pakistan 1200 Mile Border Length With Which Country? (Afghanistan) Confirm It
  • 39) : Basel Is City Of? (Switzerland)
  • 40) : Smallest Continent? (Australia)
  • 41) : Highest Civil Award Of Pakistan? (Nishan e Pakistan)
  • 42) : First Women Governer General? (Begum Raana)
  • 43) : 2nd PM Of Pakistan? (Khuwaja Nazimuddin)
  • 44) : Empty Set Is Known As? (Finite) 
  • 45) : Chaura Chauri Incident Date? (5 Feb 1922)
  • 46) : Longest River Of Asia? (Yangtze)
  • 47) : Saffah Means? (Top Of Mountain)
  • 48) : Nisab of Gold? (7.5 Tola Or 84.87 Grams) 
  • 49) : 1857 Jung e Azadi Exact Date? (10 May 1857)
  • 50) : Relation Of Hazrat Hamza With Holy Prophet PBUH? (Companion As Well As Paternal Uncle)
  • 51) : “Prescribe” Synonym? (Order, Command, Dictate)
  • 52) : Cube Root of -2? (-1.25)
  • 53) : India Quite Movement? (8 August 1942)
  • 54) : Kaleemullah Is A Title Of? (Hazrat Musa AS)
  • 55) : Speaker of National Assembly? (Asad Qaiser)
  • 56) : 90% of 90? (81)
  • 57) : Old Name Of India? (Hindustan, Bharat or Bhartavarsha etc)
  • 59) : Israel Was Title Of? (Hazrat Yaqoob AS)
  • 60) : Which Place Connect Pakistan With Tajikistan? (Wakhan)
  • 61) : Laat And Uzaa Are? (Idol)
  • 62) : First Foreign Minister? (Muhammad Zafrullah Khan)
  • 63) : Sindh Bombay Se Separate Karne Ka Mutalba Kiska Tha? {Muslims (Muhammad Ali Jinnah 14 Points)}
  • 64) : FIFA WC 2018 Winner? (France)
  • 65) : President During 1956 Constitution? (Iskander Mirza) 
  • 66) : Quaid e Azam Left Congress In? (December 1920)
  • 67) : Makkah Conquered? (8 Hijri)
  • 68) : Mavakhat e Madinah Was Between? (Ansaar And Mahajareen)
  • 69) : Asadullah Is A Title Of? (Hazrat Ali R.A)
  • 70) : Quaid Date Of Birth? (25 Dec 1876)
  • 71) : Nehru Report Date? (30 August 1928)
  • 72) : Dark Continent? (Africa)
  • 73) : Red Sea Is Also Known As? (Gulf Of Arabia)
  • 74) : Capital Of Kyrgyzstan? (Bishkek)
  • 75) : Who Separated Bengal In 1913? (Lord Curzon)
  • 76) : Length of Pakistan Coast? (1046 KM)
  • 77) : Badar Is A Name Of? (Village) (Meaning Of Badar Is “Full Moon”)
  • 78) : The Largest Producer Of Carpet? (Iran¬) 
  • 79) : Sin 90°? (1) 
  • 80) : Abdul Salam Got Noble Prize In? (1979 in Physics)
  • 81) : Srilanka Capital? (Colombo)
  • 82) : Pak Aghan Border Name? (Durand Line) 
  • 83) : Who Gave The Idea of Pakistan? (Allama Iqbal) 
  • 84) : Which Was The First Book of Allama Iqbal? (Asrar e Khudi) 
  • 85) : First Hajj Offered In? (9 Hijri)
  • 86) : What Was The Father Name Of Hazrat Usman? (Affan Ibn Abi Al’As) 
  • 87) : Which Is The Oldest City Of Pakistan? (Multan) 
  • 88) : Currency Of Turkey? (Lira)
  • 89) : Land Of White Elephants Is? (Thailand) 
  • 90) : 1st Khalifa Of Islam? (Hazrat Abu Bakar R.A)
  • 91) : First Pakistani Astronaut? (Namira Salim In 2009) 
  • 92) : First Governer Of Pakistan? (Muhammad Ali Jinnah) 
  • 93) : First War With India Over Kashmir? (1947–1948 Indo-Pak War)
  • 94) : Tashkat Declaration? (1966) 
  • 95) : Badshai Mosque Was Built In Which Year? (1673 By Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb) 
  • 96) : Largest Road of Pakistan Is? (N-5 National Highway)
  • 97) : The Number of Idols Were In Khana Kaaba? (360) 
  • 98) : 2nd Largest Glacier In Pakistan Is? (Baltoro Glacier) 
  • 99) : "Now or Never"? (1933 By Ch. Rehmat Ali) 
  • 100) : When Pak Joined UNO? (30 September 1947) 
  • 101) : Holy Prophet Was Born In? (571 AD) 
  • 102) : Atique Is The Title Of? (Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A)
  • 103) : 1st War Of Panipat Date? (21 April 1526)
  • 104) : 1st Women Speaker of Balochistan Assembly? (Rahila Hameed Khan Durrani)
  • 105) : Which Country Opposed Pakistan’s Membership In UNO? (Afghanistan)
  • 106) : Which Angel Brings Revelations? (Hazrat Jibraiel AS)
  • 107) : Capital Of Mangolia? (Ulaanbaatar)
  • 108) : 2016 Olympics Kahan Hue? (Brazil)
  • 109) : When Did Quaid e Azam Gave Delhi Pect? (1916)
  • 110) : 48 Heads Of Hen And Cow Together And 140 Legs, How Many Hen Are There? (26)
  • 111) : Sulah Hudabiya Date? (6 Hijri)
  • 112) : Malala Ko Award Kis Liye Mila? (Peace) 
  • 113) : Tehreek e Khilafat Date? (Started In 1919)
  • 114) : Ali was born_____ 20 August,1997. (On)
  • 115) : Strength Of Muslims In Ghazwae Badar? (313)
  • 116) : Name Of First Book Of Ahadees? (Sahifa Sadika)
  • 117) : Pakistan Joined Which Organization In 2017? {SCO (Shnghai Cooperation Organization)}
  • 118) : Which Country Accepted Pakistan First? (Iran) 
  • 119) : First Moazzin Of Islam? (Hazrat Bilal R.A)
  • 120) : Spell Check Key? (F7)
  • 121) : Indus Treaty? (World Bank) 
  • 122) : Area Of Forests In Pakistan? {In 1990 (3.28%), Now (1.91%)}
  • 123) : Yamama Kis K Doar Mein Hui? (Hazrat Abu Bakkar RA)
  • 124) : Mostly Coal Is Found In Which Area Of Pakistan? {Thar (Sindh)}
  • 125) : Zakat Made Obligatory In? (2nd Hijri)
  • 126) : Daughters Of Prophet Muhammad PBUH? (4 Daughters)
  • 127) : Most Mentioned Prophet In Quran? {Hazrat Musa A.S (Mentioned 135 Times)}
  • 128) : Integral Of Cotx? (In |sin x| + C)
  • 129) : Mother Name Of Hazrat Ishaac? (Hazrat Sarah)
  • 130) : Pass Between Chitral And Afghanistan? (Dorah Pass)
  • 131) : Muslims Came Back Without Fight In Which Ghazwa? (Tabook)
  • 132) : Nearest Planet To Earth? (Venus) 
  • 133) : Pakistan Opposed India In Inclusion Of? (NSG)
  • 134) : Measurement Of Earthquake? (Richterscale)
  • 135) : Friction Is Maximum Between Tyres And Road During? (Hard Break)
  • 136) : Ambassoder Of Common Wealth Countries Are Called? (High Commissioner)
  • 137) : Circumference Of Earth? (40,075 KM)
  • 138) : IMF Functions? (Maintaining Balance Between Demand and Supply of Currencies)
  • 139) : Pentagon is for? (USA Defence Offices)
  • 140) : Sierra Leone Capital? (Freetown)
  • 141) : In Ghazwa Ohad Which Leaded The Enemy Force? (Abu Sufyan) 
  • 142) : 1st Female Justice Of Balochistan High Court? (Syeda Tahira Safdar) 
  • 143) : Space Between Margin And Before Paragraph is Called? (Indentation)
  • 144) : To Cut Useless Area Of Image Is Called? (Cropping) 
  • 145) : Text Styling In Word? (WordArt) 
  • 146) : NAM of 1955 In Which Country? (Indonesia)
  • 147) : Saindak Project Is Producing? (Copper And Gold)
  • 148) : Pak Parliamentary System Is? (Bicameral)
  • 149) : Largest Oil Refinery Of Pakistan? (Pak-Arab Refinery Ltd)
  • 150) : Purpose of WTO? (Regulation And International Trade)
  • 151) : Vitamin To Heal Wound? (Vitamin C, Also Called Ascorbic Acid)
  • 152) : Best Source Of Urgent Energy To Athlete? (Carbohydrates)
  • 153) : If A Person Purchase A Book Of 500 And Sale It In 700 Find Percentage of Profit? (40%)
  • 154) : When Pakistan Became A Member Of UNO? (30 Sep 1947)
  • 155) : Jang-e-Furqan Kis Ko Kehty Hain? (Battle Of Badar)
  • 156) : 2+2/2= (3)
  • 157) : Ghazwae Ohad Mein Shaheed Hone Wale Muslims Ki Tadaad? (85)
  • 158) : Pakistan Mein Electric Energy Ki Sabse Bari Source? {Thermal (Both Oil And Gas)}
  • 159) : Location Of Iran With Respect To Pakistan? (West)
  • 160) : Jange Yamama Mein Shaheed Hone Wale Muslims Ki Tadaad? (70)
  • 161) : Date Of Publishing Of Cause Of Revolt? (10 May 1857)
  • 162) : Objective Resolution Was Showed In Assembly On? (7 March 1949)
  • 163) : Noun ''School" Can Be Replaced With? (It)
  • 164) : SAFTA Stands For? (South Asian Free Trade Area)
  • 165) : Strength Of Muslims in Battle of Uhad? (1000)
  • 166) : How Many Articles Are In English? {Two ( A & The)}
  • 167) : IMF Stands For? (International Monetry Fund)
  • 168) : Founder Of Urdu Defence Association? (Mohsin Ul Mulk)
  • 169) : How Many Times Name Of Hazrat Jibrael Is Mentioned In Quran ? (4 Times)
  • 170) : Mount Olympus Is In? (Greece)
  • 171) : Last Prophet Sent To Bani Israel? (Hazrat Eesa AS)
  • 172) : France Curreny Before Euro? (Franc)
  • 173) : What Is One Tenth Of 90? (90/10 = 9)
  • 174) : What Is One Tenth Of 120? (120/10 = 12)
  • 175) : Hazrat Bilal R.A Was Slave Of? (Ummaiya Bin Half)
  • 176) : Mostly)@'@--- Articles Come Before?{Noun (i.e Singular Noun)}
  • 177) : Literal Meaning Of Islam? (Voluntry Submission To Allah)
  • 178) : In Class Of 1500 Students 1200 Are Present, Find The Percentage Of Present Students? (80%)
  • 179) : In Class Of 500 Students 340 Are Present, Find The Percentage Of Absent Students? (32%)
  • 180) : Akhuwat (Mawakhaat) Means? (Brotherhood)
  • 181) : What is Hudabiya? {Treaty (Place)}
  • 182) : Ziarat Is The Residency Of? (Quaid e Azam)
  • 183) : Age of Holy Prophet PBUH as Fujjar? (15)
  • 184) : Who Translated The Holy Quran In Urdu First? (Maulana Aashiq) 
  • 185) : Name Of China-India Border? (McMohan Line)
  • 186) : Jihad Of Women Is? (Hijaab)
  • 187) : They Are Three Brothers, Ali is ______ Of The Three? (Cleverest)
  • 188) : He Served Us ______ Breakfast? (A Good)
  • 189) : Where Are Salt Mines? (Khewra)
  • 190) : Fattah Khyber? (7 Hijri)
  • 191) : Namaz e Istasqa Is Offered For? (Rain)
  • 192) : Jinnah Research Centre Was Established In The Year? (1991)
  • 193) : Lahore Resolution Date? (23rd March 1940)
  • 194) : 1st World War Ended In? (1918)
  • 195) : Largest Island? (Greenland)
  • 196) : OPEC Stand For? (Organization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries)
  • 197) : Diamer Bhasha Dam Is On Which River? (River Indus)
  • 198) : Jange Uhad Ka Maarka Kab Pesh Aya? (3 Hijri)
  • 199) : Jinnah Research Centre Is Situated In? (Queen Maund Land, Eastern Antarctica)
  • 200) : Name The Only Sahabi Mentioned In Holy Quran? (Hazrat Zaid Bin Haris RA)
  • 201) : FSB Is A Secret Agency Of Which Country? (Russia)
  • 202) : "Morals Of Quran Are Embodiment Of Holy Prophet (S.A.W)", Who Said This? (Hazrat Ayesha R.A)
  • 203) : Wazeere Khazana? (Asad Umar)
  • 204) : Roohullah Is The Title Of? (Hazrat Esa A.S)
  • 205) : Zaboor Was Revealed On? (Hazrat Dawood A.S)
  • 206) : Length Of LOC? (740KM)
  • 207) : Mangla Dam Is On Which River? (River Jehlum)
  • 208) : Which Province Of Pakistan Is Called Babul Islam? (Sindh)
  • 209) : Barri Doab Is Between? (River Ravi And Beas) 
  • 210) : Moaztain Surah Name? (Surah Al-Falak And Surah An-Naas)
  • 211) : Which Surah Was Recited In Front Of Najashi? (Surah Maryam)
  • 212) : Sea With Most Salted Water? (Dead Sea)
  • 213) : Luknow Pact Was Between Which Parties? (Indian National Congress And Muslim League)
  • 214) : Lengthiest Constitution? (Indian Constitution)
  • 215) : Shah Walliullah Died In Which Year? (1762)
  • 216) : Siachin Glacier Is Situated In Which Mountain Range? (Eastern Karakoram Range)
  • 217) : If A Train Covers 120 Miles Per Hour. How Much Will It Cover In 12 Minutes? (38.4KM or 24 Miles)
  • 218) : Which Surah Is Called The Heart Of Holy Quran? (Surah Yaseen)
  • 219) : If Yesterday Was Monday Then What Will Be The Day After Tomorrow? (Thursday)
  • 220) : 500 Students Are In A Class, 360 Are Boys, Find The Girls%? (28%)
  • 221) : If A Helicopter Need 50 Gallons To Move 320 Kilometer. Then How Much Gallons Helicopter Need If It Moves 400 Kilometer? (62.5 Gallons)
  • 222) : Amjad And Ahmed Kept 24 Balloon, Amjad Kept Three Time More Then Ahmed, How Much Amjad Kept? (18 Balloons)
  • 223) : If A Train Covers 120 Km Per Hour, How Much Will It Cover In 18 Minutes? (36 Km)
  • 224) : np2=20 Find Value Of n? (10) 
  • 225) : KANUPP In Karachi Was Built With Assistance From? (Canadian Assistance).

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